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Roma, 26 maggio 2017


Circolare n. 98/2017


Oggetto: Lavoro – Germania – Divieto di riposo settimanale regolare in cabina – Comunicazione dell’IRU del 24.5.2017.


Così come già avviene in Francia e in Belgio, anche in Germania è stato introdotto per gli autisti il divieto di riposo settimanale regolare in cabina (quello di 45 ore). In base alla nuova normativa tedesca infatti l’autista deve trascorrere questo tipo di riposo in strutture idonee e non dentro il veicolo, pena l’applicazione di sanzioni pari a 60 euro e a 180 euro (per ogni ora di riposo non fruita regolarmente) rispettivamente in capo al conducente e all’azienda.


L’IRU (International Road Transport Union) segnala di aver chiesto alle autorità tedesche una moratoria di 2 mesi affinché le aziende possano adeguarsi alle nuove disposizioni.


La regolamentazione da parte degli Stati membri è al momento consentita in quanto il Regolamento UE n. 561/2006 nulla dispone in merito ma disciplina solo il riposo giornaliero (9/11 ore) e quello settimanale ridotto (24 ore) consentendone la fruizione in cabina. Gli Stati che al momento non stanno disciplinando questo tipo di riposo (come ad esempio l’Italia) di fatto lo stanno continuando a consentire.


Fabio Marrocco

Allegato uno



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Bruxelles, 24 mai 2017

 Dear Members,


We have just received a confirmation from our German Member Association BGL that the anticipated ban on spending the regular weekly rest in the cabin enters into force in Germany tomorrow, i. e. on 25 May.


Summary of the details:


- the law prescribes that the regular weekly rest may not be spent in the cabin;


- suitable sleeping  facilities must be available to drivers at the place where they do spend the rest;

Apparently, any situations “forcing the driver to stay in the vehicle’s immediate proximity or lacking a bed that can be used by the driver outside the vehicle” cannot be considered as suitable sleeping facilities, as they do not allow for thorough regeneration of the driver.


- in case a driver is found spending his regular rest in the cabin or in another place which is not equipped with the suitable sleeping facilities, this will be considered as not taking the regular weekly rest at all (proportionally);  


- fines are therefore identical with those that apply if a driver has completely omitted to take   a regular weekly rest:


· 60 EUR per hour of falling short of the rest for the driver;

· the transport operator - 180 EUR per hour of falling short of the rest, due to the fact   that the company failed to follow the law


The law (published yesterday) can be consulted here (only in German) -


The IRU Secretariat in cooperation with our German Member Associations is monitoring the situation continuously and will inform the Members as soon as new (and officially confirmed) information are available especially on the way these new provisions will be controlled and what evidence has the driver/haulier present.


(…) IRU requests a 2 months moratorium on the enforcement of the weekly rest ban so that the industry can prepare itself. We have also raised this issue with the German Permanent Representation in Brussels and the European Commission.


Best regards


Jan Nemec

Head of Social Affairs

IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU

32-34, av. de Tervueren, Box 17

1040 Brussels
